Appendix L

Statistics on Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions



Date Received



Total no. followed up by ET in this month

Total no. followed up by ET since project commencement

Environmental complaints

14, 17 & 21 December 2012

EPD referred a complaint, from a resident at Ma Wo, about dust emission in construction site of the Tolo Highway widening construction works at Ma Wo. The complainant contacted the Contractor (Gammon Construction Ltd.) on 14 December 2012 and the Contractor promised that water-spraying would be provided at the entrance of the construction site. Although the complainant waited for 5 hours, no water-spraying was provided by the Contractor. Fugitive dust was generated and caused serious nuisance to the complainant’s dwelling.


Subsequently, the complainant made another call on 17 December 2012 saying that an EPD personnel contacted him in the morning on 17 December 2012. However, still no water-spraying was provided by the Contractor in the construction site on 17 December 2012. Fugitive dust generated overwhelmed the entrance of complainant’s dwelling. The complainant thereby requested the EPD to follow-up and reply the complainant as soon as possible.


Afterwards, the complainant also made other call on 21 December 2012 strongly complaining that there are no water-spraying provided in the construction site as requested by EPD and caused continuous dust nuisance to the complainant.

Investigation findings and proposed mitigation measures submitted to all relevant parties in December 2012 and follow-up site inspection will be conducted in the next reporting month (January 2013)



24 December 2012

EPD referred a complaint about hammering noise generated from construction activities at the construction site for bridge construction at Lam Kam Road and Tai Wo Service Road West (near Wai Tau Tsuen) during the period from 00:00 to 06:00 in the recent two weeks caused nuisance to nearby residents.


The complainant called the Police before. However, the police expressed that as Construction Noise Permit (CNP) had been issued by EPD for the construction works, the complaint could not be handled by the Police and requested the complainant contacted EPD for help.


The complainant strongly dissatisfied that EPD issued the CNP for the construction works and no government staff had been seen to monitor the noise. The complainant opposed the related CNP and strongly requested to reply and follow-up as soon as possible.


The complainant expressed if the construction works were still carried out at night time again, he would lodge the complaint to the Director and he would contact the Media immediately for reporting.

The complaint was under investigation in December 2012 and will be followed-up in the next reporting month (January 2013)

24 December 2012

EPD referred a complaint about noise nuisance generated from construction activities, at the construction site for bridge construction between Lam Kam Road and Tai Wo Service Road West at mid-night on Monday to Friday and ongoing for two weeks, caused nuisance to Wai Tau Tsuen. The complainant called the Police before and found out the related Construction Noise Permit (CNP) in EPD’s website. However, the complainant did not provide the reference number of the CNP. The Complaint requested the Highways Department to stop the construction works as soon as possible.


The complaint was under investigation in December 2012 and will be followed-up in the next reporting month (January 2013)

Notification of summons






Successful Prosecutions


