C - Environmental Mitigation implementation Schedule
Air Quality - Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures
Impact |
Mitigation Measures |
Timing |
Implementation Status |
Air Quality during Construction |
Restricting heights from which materials are dropped, as far
as practicable to minimize the fugitive dust arising from unloading/loading. |
During construction |
V |
All stockpiles of excavated materials or spoil of more than
50m3 shall be enclosed, covered or dampened during dry or windy
conditions. |
V |
Effective water sprays shall be used to control potential dust
emission sources such as unpaved haul roads and active construction areas. |
V |
All spraying of materials and surfaces shall avoid excessive
water usage. |
V |
Vehicles that have the potential to create dust while
transporting materials shall be covered, with the cover properly secured and
extended over the edges of the side and tail boards. |
V |
Materials shall be dampened, if necessary, before
transportation. |
V |
Travelling speeds shall be controlled to reduce traffic
induced dust dispersion and resuspension within the site from the operating
haul trucks. |
V |
Vehicle washing facilities shall be provided to minimize the
quantity of material deposited on public roads. |
V |
Noise - Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures
Impact |
Mitigation Measures |
Timing |
Implementation Status |
Noise during Construction |
Use of silenced plant or plant equipped with mufflers or
dampers in substitute of ordinary plant. |
During construction |
@ |
Reduce the number of equipment and their percentage on-time. |
V |
3.5 m and 5.5 m high temporary noise barrier at culvert
construction work area (Figure 2a of the Environmental Permit). |
V |
3 m high temporary noise barrier along the northern edge of
Bridge 12 at ground level (Figure 2b of the Environmental Permit). |
N/A |
2 m high temporary noise barrier along the northern edge of
Bridge 12 at bridge level (Figure 2b of the Environmental Permit). |
N/A |
2.5 m high temporary noise barrier along |
N/A |
3.5m and 7m high temporary noise barrier along Tai Wo Services
Road West near Tai Hang (Figure2c of the Environmental Permit). |
N/A |
7 m high temporary noise barrier along |
N/A |
7 m high temporary noise barrier near Kiu Tau Footbridge work
area (Figure 2d of the Environmental Permit). |
N/A |
2.5 m high temporary noise barrier near river diversion work
area (Figure 2e of the Environmental Permit). |
N/A |
Water Quality - Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures
Impact |
Mitigation Measures |
Timing |
Implementation Status |
Water quality during Construction |
and reconstruction of bridges |
During construction |
Prevent off-site migration through use of sheet piles. |
V |
Minimize duration of works as far as practical. |
V |
All sewer and drainage connections should be sealed to prevent
debris, soil, sand, etc, from entering public sewers/drains. |
V |
Site surface runoff should be settled to remove sand/silt
before it is discharged into the existing storm drains. |
V |
training works |
lnspection and testing of water quality in the nullah on the
Tai Po River and in the Ma Wat River immediately downstream of culvert N490,
between the rubber dam and the water intake channel. |
N/A |
Widening Works and Earthworks |
Wastewater generated from any concrete batching washdown of
equipment or similar activities should be discharged into foul sewers, after
the removal of settable solids, and pH adjustment as necessary. All sewage
discharges from the study area should meet the TM standards and approval from
EPD through the licensing process is required. |
V |
Sand traps, oil interceptors and other pollution prevention
installations should be provided, properly cleaned and maintained. |
V |
Runoff from exposed working areas, unfinished slopes and from
unlined temporary channels should be directed to stilling basins and/or silt
traps before discharging to the drainage outfalls. |
V |
Regular inspections of stilling basins and/or silt traps are
required to ensure that sediment is not conveyed into the existing drainage
system. |
@ |
Open stockpiles should be covered with a tarpaulin cover. |
V |
During the wet season, any exposed top soils should be covered
with a tarpaulin, shotcreted or hydroseeded. |
V |
Sand and silt from wash-water from vehicle washing should be
settled out before discharging into storm drains. |
V |
Fuels should be stored in bunded areas such that spillage can
be easily collected. |
V |
Waste - Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures
Impact |
Mitigation Measures |
Timing |
Implementation Status |
Waste Management during Construction |
Waste |
During construction |
Transport of wastes off site as soon as possible. |
V |
Maintenance of accurate waste records |
V |
Minimization of waste generation for disposal (via
reduction/recycling/re-use). |
V |
No on-site burning will be permitted. |
V |
Use of re-useable metal hoardings/signboards. |
V |
from site clearance |
Segregation of materials to facilitate disposal. |
V |
Mulching to reduce bulk and where possible review
opportunities for the possible beneficial use within landscaping areas. |
N/A |
Wastes |
Segregation of materials to facilitate disposal. |
V |
Appropriate stockpile management. |
V |
Materials |
Segregation of materials to facilitate disposal / reuse. |
V |
Appropriate stockpile management. |
V |
Re-use of excavated material on or off site (where possible). |
V |
Special handling and disposal procedures in the event that
contaminated materials are excavated. |
N/A |
Wastes |
Segregation of materials to facilitate recycling/reuse (within
designated area in appropriate containers/stockpiles). |
V |
Appropriate stockpile management. |
V |
Planning to reduce over ordering and waste generation. |
V |
Recycling and re-use of materials where possible (e.g. metal,
wood from formwork) |
V |
For material which cannot be re-used/recycled, collection
should be carried out by an approved waste contractor for landfill disposal. |
V |
Slurries |
Bentonite slurries should be reused as far as possible. |
N/A |
Disposal in accordance with Practice Note For Professional Persons ProPECC PN 1/94. |
N/A |
Wastes |
Storage within locked, covered and bunded area. |
V |
The storage area shall not be located adjacent to sensitive
receivers e.g. drains. |
V |
Minimize waste production and recycle oils/solvents where
possible. |
V |
A spill response procedure shall be in place and absorption
material available for minor spillages. |
@ |
Use appropriate and labelled containers. |
@ |
Educate site workers on site cleanliness/waste management
procedures. |
V |
lf chemical wastes are to be generated, the contractor must
register with EPD as a Chemical Waste Producer. |
V |
The chemical wastes shall be collected by a licensed chemical
waste collector. |
V |
Wastes |
Waste shall be stored within a temporary refuse collection
facility, in appropriate containers prior to collection and disposal. |
V |
Regular, daily collections are required by an approved waste
collector. |
V |
Ecology - Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures
Impact |
Mitigation Measures |
Timing |
Implementation Status |
Ecology during Construction |
Delineation of Works Area |
During construction |
Boundaries of proposed works areas shall be clearly identified
and separated from external areas by a physical barrier to prevent
encroachment of adjacent habitats. |
V |
lndividual trees which fall within the works areas but which
work plans show do not require removal are to be retained and fenced off to
maximize protection. |
@ |
Clearance |
No fires shall be lit within the works area for the purpose of
burning cleared vegetation. |
V |
The Contractor shall give consideration to mulching the
cleared vegetation for recycling within the works area / adjacent land. |
N/A |
generation |
Vehicle washing facilities to be provided at every discernible
or designated vehicle exit point; |
V |
All temporary site access roads shall be sprayed with water to
suppress dust as necessary; |
V |
All dusty materials should be sprayed with water immediately
prior to any handling; and |
V |
All debris should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting
or stored in a sheltered debris collection area. |
V |
Run-off |
Bund and cover stock piles to avoid run-off; |
V |
Channel any run-off through a system of oil, grease and
sediment / silt traps and reuse water on site where ever practical; |
V |
All vehicle maintenance to be undertaken within a bunded area;
and |
N/A |
Maximize vegetation retention on-site to maximize absorption
(minimize transport). |
V |
Landscape and Visual Impact - Schedule of Recommended Mitigation
Impact |
Mitigation Measures |
Timing |
Implementation Status |
Landscape and Visual Impact during Construction |
of Existing Vegetation |
During construction |
Trees identified for retention within the project limit would
be protected during the works |
V |
The tree transplanting and planting works shall be implemented
by approved Landscape Contractors |
V |
Works Areas |
Where feasible the works areas would be screened using
hoarding and existing vegetation would be retained where possible to reduce
the landscape and visual impacts arising from the construction activity. The
landscape of these works areas would be restored following the completion of
the construction phase. |
V |
Hoarding |
A hoarding would be erected where practicable in the most
visually sensitive locations to screen the temporary construction works from
the local VSR's. |
V |
Soils |
The works will result in disturbance to extensive areas of
topsoil. Topsoil worthy of retention should be stockpiled for use following
completion of the civil engineering works. lt should either be temporarily
vegetated with hydroseeded grass or turned over on a regular basis. |
N/A |
of Important Landscape Features |
lmportant features such as temples, lsland House and kilns
within the study area, although remote from the proposed works retained and
adequately protected. |
V |
Legend: V = implemented;
x = not implemented;
= partially implemented;
N/A = not applicable